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Class Teacher: Miss Clark
Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Bellwood, Miss Hennell & Miss Priestley

This page will give you some key information about our class and show you some of the amazing learning that takes place. You will also find useful information and links to help support your child at home. 

amelia bellwood
Melanie Clark
Kim Hennell

Key Information

- PE is every Wednesday with JB sports coaches, Please ensure your child has a fully named PE kit with them each week. 

 - Forest school is every Friday - Please make sure children has a weather approporate kit with them. 

 - Reading books will be changed every Wednesday. Please ensure all books are returned including the bedtime story books. 

Please can children bring their reading records and books everyday as we read with the children independentley in school. 

Summer 1 Curriculum

This term we are focusing on ‘Dinosaurs’. We will be exploring life in prehistoric times and how the dinosaurs lived. We are looking forward to asking ourselves how do we know so much about the past? Whilst exploring fossils, bones and non – fiction texts. There will be opportunities to explore how the world was different in pre-historic times, significant individuals such as Mary Anning and investigating what dinosaurs ate. 

Every Thursday afternoon we will be joining in with music lessons that will be taught through the Lincolnshire Music Service.

For our RE Topic this term, we will be looking at the topic ‘Salvation’. We will be exploring Holy Week and what Easter meant to Christians.

Home Learning

Please see our home learning for each term. This acitivities are all optional and all support our topic in school. If you do complete any activities please bring into school or send in a photo as we love to share this learning with the rest of the class. 

World Book Day

We had a super time celebrating books and reading for world book day. We had a go at being illustrators, took part in some reading with our Year 4 friends and shared stories with our families. 


Reception's Learning Spring 2

Phonics & Reading Support

Please see attached uselful resources for supporting your child with their reading and phonics learning at home. You will be able to use these alongside the phonics packs that the children bring home daily. 

Please see below link which provides useful videos and resources for support at home following the Little Wandle programme which we use in school. 

For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)


Musician in Residence

All of EYFS had a fantastic oppurtunity to take part in Taiko drumming this term. All of the children had an amazing time learning some Japanese language, chants and learning how to create different dynamic on the drums. Most of the children preferred drumming like Thunder!

Reception's Learning - Spring 1