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welcome to the year 4 class page

Class Teacher: Miss Moore

Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Walker and Mrs Brooke

Things to note:

- Your child needs to bring in their reading book and reading diary each day, they should read every evening.

- PE kits to be brought in on a Monday and will go home on Friday (please bring clothes suitable for the current weather).

- It would be great if your child could practise their times table at home to increase their fluency!

Summer Term 1

In English this term we will be writing diary entries with a specific focus on the novel, 'The Diary of a Killer Cat', by Anne Fine. Later in the term, we will move onto writing narratives ensuring we are including all the features expected at the year 4 standard including: fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and accurate spelling. Our learning in Maths will include: exploring decimals, time and money whilst exploring ways we can solve problems and understand that some ways are more effective than others. Science work will allow us to continue our learning about living things and their habitats, discussing climate change and how natural disasters can impact animal's habitats. Our learning in RE will be based around pilgrimage, discussing why people embark on a pilgrimage, what they involve and the impact they can have on people's lives. In Art we will be researching, evaluating and creating sculptures. In PSHE we will be reminding ourselves about the importance of attendance at school and will complete a unit about online bullying.